Saturday, June 18, 2011

2 weeks

...until I leave for Shanghai! 

Kind of looks like Hong Kong, except with some different buildings? 

You're all probably thinking, finally, she gets back to writing about more interesting things (as reflected in the title of my blog). It occurred to me about a week ago that I won't be able to access Facebook while I'm in China (the horror!!), so luckily you can find out what I'm up to on here.

So, until October, I will be teaching elementary/middle school aged kids, trying to learn how to write in Chinese, exploring my roots, avoiding contaminated food items, surviving the 90% humidity (I am actually dreading this one, but it will be worth it in the end!), and of course the many places Bartholomew and I will visit. Plus more, I'm sure. I've never been to China before and besides my ability to speak Mandarin and all the stuff I learned in my college days about world government/economy/politics (which is not saying much for the cultural adaptation necessary once I get there), I know next to nothing. Thank goodness I know Mandarin.

This time around, I'm going abroad to teach -- English, of course (I don't know what anybody would learn if I tried teaching Chinese). I've been saving up for the past year, will be earning enough to support myself, and overall this trip is much more un-structured than the study abroad program I did in college. My first teaching gig is for the month of July in Haining, in the Zhejiang province (about 2 hours outside of Shanghai), and then I'll have a few weeks to kill before I start teaching at a university/high school program in Shanghai until I leave in October. I'm hoping I'll make some good friends to travel with -- I haven't thought too much about where I want to go yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

In all honesty, the fact that I'm actually leaving in two weeks hasn't even hit me. With my deadlines at work and a hectic social schedule to try and see everyone before I leave (everyone is coming home for the Summer just as I'm leaving!), I've been shoving all my travel planning onto the backburner. Anyway, this is just a heads up to let you know that I'm going back to my globe-trotting ways -- Hooray!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Everyone, meet Molly:


Molly is a 2 year old miniature poodle we got in the beginning of May - her previous owners were moving out of the country, and she was almost on her way to the shelter until we found out about her from a friend. She's quickly charmed us all and assumed the position of family favorite. Her skills include escaping by jumping over the backyard wall (only to show up at the front door) and sitting on demand, and her interests are: being petted, human food, and watching/chasing (or getting owned by) squirrels, in that order. She is already up there on the list of things I will miss like crazy when I go to China -- like uncontaminated dairy products (i.e. ice cream) and arid climate -- I'm still formulating a plan on how I will survive without them. It's crazy how fast a little sheep in disguise can grow on you!  

I'm on my way to becoming the crazy dog lady. Watch, the next time I see you, I'll probably whip out some uber cute Molly photos that you did not want to spend 10 minutes gushing over. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

grad + bag

Congrats to my brainy boyfriend on his M.S.! Notice the distinctive gold collar (I kept calling it a "cape," which you have to admit sounds cooler) and what is peeking out from the bag.


And no, I am not one of those girls who subjects her boyfriend to being a purse-carrier, I just had to get a shot of Wilson and Bartholomew!